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Town & Country School LS PTL

Town & Country School LS PTL

Get Involved

Lower School Parent-Teacher League

The PTL is a league of parents and teachers at Town and Country School. As Town and Country School parents, we are here because we have children who learn differently. The PTL’s goal is to foster a nurturing and caring environment that strives for continued parent involvement in helping build a better educational setting for our kids.

We also promote a community where the teachers and administration can do their best work with the resources we can help provide. Through our membership and fundraising efforts, the PTL provides educational materials and equipment for the school, as well as improvements to the facility. We sponsor field trips, outside educational programs, and other fun opportunities that come up during the year.

We encourage you to support the Lower School PTL by attending meetings and becoming involved. You are now among the best resources available in Tulsa- our very own staff and family community!

Contact Tonya Stone at for more information